Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Deceptive Sceptre

Deceptive Sceptre (1999) - Seb Pedley - Seb, this mission is the biggest pile of crap Thief mission I have ever played. It is also the second Thief mission I have ever played. Massive errors start out in the description, reading: "A small sized level that has you reclaiming Bafford's sceptre from a small hamlet." A hamlet, Seb, is a small town. What you have designed is a small disaster. From the huge 100% lit up starting room (lacking any visible light source), to the building walls abruptly terminating in oblivion, to the hyperlink-blue textureless exterior wall, this mission screams rush-job. And, oh yes, though I did grab the eponymous sceptre, the mission did not end. I get it, it's deceptive! Thinking perhaps that I had to kill a certain guard, as it states in the objectives, I ran back to finish off some human life, only to find that the guard, along with his three companions, had disappeared. Perhaps they climbed the wall and fell into oblivion? If only my memories of this horrible mission could do
the same. I give it a ten out of ten. 00:01 8/30/2006


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